Sunday, November 14, 2010

November? What's November?

The past month has just flashed past my eyes. I've had so many things keeping me busy, that I didn't even feel November hit. But here I am, in bed with a cold, so I guess the season is officially here. The last couple weeks have been a lot of fun though. To fill you in:
Despite being sick, today my mom and I visited the Meadowland Environmental Center and took a nice walk around. They had a show going on inside the center, Sherlock Holmes performed old school radio style. I would have loved to stay and watch the show, but as I mentioned I'm not feeling very well so we chose not to contaminate the seniors that I'd be in close range to.
Last week my Aunt Joan came to visit, and I LOVED it! I don't have many memories of my Aunt Joan from when I was little because she moved to Washington state before I was old enough to remember, but her visit was awesome and I can't wait to see her again. My grandmother also came to visit while Joan was here. She took my aunts, cousins and I out to dinner for a "Girls Night" and I had a lot of fun with them all. I thought I had been taking pictures all night (which I was, just not on my own camera) and when I came home I found out that this is the ONLY photo I had taken for myself. It pretty much describes the atmosphere of the night. (Left to right: Aunt Sandy, Aunt Wendy, Aunt Joan, Mom Aileen).
Middle of October is my favorite time. It's all the hype of Halloween approaching that excites me. This here is a photo taken from a Zombie Crawl I attended with my friend Jen. We all met up at a secret location dressed as zombies, and crawled through Union Square in NYC. Then the zombies made canned food donations (to feed the humans so there would be more brains for the zombies... of course). It was really awesome to participate in this, and I'll definitely be doing it again next year.
Halloween fell on a Sunday this year, so Halloween day I spent in bed with my favorite boy, eating his Halloween candy meant for trick or treaters, and watching the best musical movie ever, Rocky Horror! It was the night before Halloween that we celebrated. We dressed as zombie pirates and headed to the Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC. We saw an awesome show by Neon Trees, along with Fountains of Wayne and The Drums (I only cared about Neon Trees, how can you not fall in love with their lead singer Tyler Glenn).

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